Campaigning Vs providing services

Campaigning and service delivery aren’t mutually exclusive – although at times if you’re working in either area it might feel like that. The tensions that arise between the two are legitimate fears from both parties. The lack of resources, fears over maintaining funding, and top-heavy leadership in many organisations can lead to a feeling of detachment between the two areas.
The Campaigns Network discussed these tensions at depth. It was somewhat cathartic to be in a space in which your fears and desire to find a solution created lengthy and fruitful conversation. And there is no single solution. Every organisation has unique issues that it needs to resolve.
Service delivery is a crucial aspect of many charities and organisations should be valued for the immense work that they do under increasing pressure. Campaigners are doing the deeply important work of lobbying for change. Services and Campaign teams need to agree on a central narrative, so that they can work together to achieve the greatest amount of change. Informing each other consistently, through both formal and informal networks, creates greater opportunity for collaboration between these areas within an organisation, which only serves to make the organisation stronger.
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Thanks for a really useful session – it’s always reassuring to discover you’re not the only one facing these challenges and very helpful to talk about some of the ways of addressing them
Campaigning and service delivery aren’t mutually exclusive – although at times if you’re working in either area it might feel like that. The tensions that arise between the two are legitimate fears from both parties. The lack of resources, fears over maintaining funding, and top-heavy leadership in many organisations can lead to a feeling of detachment between the two areas.
The Campaigns Network discussed these tensions at depth. It was somewhat cathartic to be in a space in which your fears and desire to find a solution created lengthy and fruitful conversation. And there is no single solution. Every organisation has unique issues that it needs to resolve.
Campaigners are doing the deeply important work of lobbying for change
Service delivery is a crucial aspect of many charities and organisations should be valued for the immense work that they do under increasing pressure. Campaigners are doing the deeply important work of lobbying for change. Services and Campaign teams need to agree on a central narrative, so that they can work together to achieve the greatest amount of change. Informing each other consistently, through both formal and informal networks, creates greater opportunity for collaboration between these areas within an organisation, which only serves to make the organisation stronger.
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