Teaming up with The Young Foundation to build The People’s Accelerator

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The People’s Accelerator has been designed to support campaigners from across the UK to deliver structured, high-impact and financially robust civil movements which tackle the root causes of inequality. Alongside Citizens UK and The Centre for Justice Innovation, the Young Foundation has recruited 6 projects with the momentum and commitment to make this happen. Using design principles ‘borrowed’ from the best tech accelerator, mixing it with community organising principles and our movement-building skills, we will be working with the Young Foundation to support these groups to develop their ideas, build the capacity of their team, refine their vision and accelerate their growth through targeted funding and support.
Monday 19th sees the start of Wish Week, when we bring the best of the UK Campaigning, Comms and Community Organising peeps in, alongside traditional funders, to train, support and mentor our ventures. It is an intensive 1-week training programme and we are mega excited about it. Our favourite bit? Well, it’s at the end. Following Wish Week each project will begin a crowd-funding campaign to build financial support for their work. The programme will culminate with the Young Foundation’s unique ‘People’s Panel’ where each campaign will pitch for the backing of their community and other stakeholders.
The People’s Accelerator is literally for the people, funded by the people.
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