Providing fundraising and campaigning support to small charities

Small, local charities are often best placed to understand the needs and challenges of the communities they work with. However, with limited resources and capacity, they can struggle to fundraise, influence decision makers or advertise their services effectively.
In recognition of this, the Lloyds Bank Foundation set about looking for a partner that could provide build charities’ capacities in these areas.
Thanks to our communications expertise, our experience working with grassroot organisations, and our research into amplifying the voices of people with lived experience, we were an ideal fit.
Since partnering with the Lloyds Bank Foundation, we’ve had the pleasure of supporting countless small charities in these areas. We always meet people and organisations where they are at – taking care not to overwhelm these charities with advice they’ll struggle to implement over the long term. We take the time to understand where we can provide the most impact and tailor our support to meet their needs.
With our support, these small charities have been able to develop clear, sustainable communication strategies. This has helped them launch campaigns to change hearts and minds, attract new clients, volunteers and donors, and utilise new, participatory methods and digital tools in their day to day work.
Let’s work together to make change happen